Hello, Coffeehouse Family! Some of you have been asking about the artist behind our logo and album art, so it’s about time that we formally introduce our artist Amanda Roncaglia!

About Amanda 🎨

Amanda attended Academy of Art University in San Francisco, where she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Development. Amanda specializes in concept art and portraits. She also happens to be Austin’s wonderful wife!

Her Logo Design!

Our cozy coffeehouse logo that Amanda crafted for us simply captures the essence of the music and togetherness, from the inviting blue color scheme to the treble clef chimney!

Her Album Art!

Utilizing her knowledge of children’s book illustration, Amanda brought our song “Let’s Tell Stories” to life through the nostalgia of a day at the beach.

We count it a blessing to have Amanda’s unique brew of visual storytelling to help us connect with you all on a deeper level!

Check out more of Amanda’s work on her website:

Be sure to drop her line at <amandaroncaglia@gmail.com> for questions or just to say hi!

Thank you for joining us in this Coffeehouse Spotlight. We have lots more exciting news and stories to share in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

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